In reference to the remedies derived from man, there arises
first of all one question, of the greatest importance and always
attended with the same uncertainty, whether words, charms,
and incantations, are of any efficacy or not?[1] For if such
is the case, it will be only proper to ascribe this efficacy to
man himself;[2] though the wisest of our fellow-men, I should
remark, taken individually, refuse to place the slightest faith
in these opinions. And yet, in our every-day life, we practically show, each passing hour, that we do entertain this belief,
We see too, how that our supreme magistrates use certain
formulæ for their prayers: that not a single word may be
omitted or pronounced out of its place, it is the duty of one
person to precede the dignitary by reading the formula before
him from a written ritual, of another, to keep watch upon
every word, and of a third to see that[5] silence is not ominously
broken; while a musician, in the meantime, is performing on the
flute to prevent any other words being heard.[6] Indeed, there
are memorable instances recorded in our Annals, of cases where
either the sacrifice has been interrupted, and so blemished,
by imprecations, or a mistake has been made in the utterance
of the prayer; the result being that the lobe of the liver or
the heart has disappeared in a moment, or has been doubled,[7]
while the victim stood before the altar. There is still in existence a most remarkable testimony,[8] in the formula which the
Decii, father and son, pronounced on the occasions when they
devoted themselves.[9] There is also preserved the prayer
uttered by the Vestal Tuccia,[10] when, upon being accused of
incest, she carried water in a sieve—an event which took place
in the year of the City 609. Our own age even has seen a
man and a woman buried alive in the Ox Market,[11] Greeks by
birth, or else natives of some other[12] country with which we
At the present day, too, it is a general belief, that our Vestal virgins have the power, by uttering a certain prayer, to arrest the flight of runaway slaves, and to rivet them to the spot, provided they have not gone beyond the precincts of the City. If then these opinions be once received as truth, and if it be admitted that the gods do listen to certain prayers, or are influenced by set forms of words, we are bound to conclude in the affirmative upon the whole question. Our ancestors, no doubt, always entertained such a belief, and have even assured us, a thing by far the most difficult of all, that it is possible by such means to bring down lightning from heaven, as already[14] mentioned on a more appropriate occasion.
1. derived from the human body, being no part of the human body.